Survey Summaries
We regularly ask Parents and Staff for their views of the school and ask for them to identify our strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement.
A parent survey was undertaken in June 2023 We received 18 responses in total. We asked that a separate questionnaire was completed for each child; if the parent felt their experiences in school differed. The majority of our responses came from parents with a child in either Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5, and only 1 response from parents with a child in either Year 4 and Year 6. The overall outcome was incredibly positive and the majority of the questions received a 100% positive response (neutral, agreed, strongly agreed). In fact, the following questions only received responses of agreed or strongly agreed –
Home learning/homework received a varied response, with 8 parents feeling their child completed their home learning too quickly. Homework is only set to our Keystage 2 children and the children are advised that it should not take any longer than 30 minutes, irrespective of whether it is completed or not. All children are encouraged to read in their spare time, whilst all children are given weekly spelling tests and KS2 weekly time tables tests. Two questions received a single response of ‘strongly disagree’ and these questions related to our School Ties (PTA) committee. Q1. The School Ties can facilitate communication between the parents and the school. Q2. I actively participate in the activities organised by the school and/or the School Ties. Our School Ties is a small group of parents that are responsible for a number of social and fundraising events for our school. Meetings are held in school on a monthly basis and all parents are encouraged to attend. Since September, the committee have changed and we will be reiterating the message of inclusion to them. Summary of Parent Survey completed Autumn 2021 In advance of our March 2020 parents' evenings, we asked our parents to give us an indication of the areas they would like covered during their parent-teacher consultations. These were anonymous comments (parents only confirmed their child's keystage), allowing us not to concentrate on a particular topic or child, but allow us to understand the areas of school life that parents are keen to address and discuss. |