Farthinghoe Primary School became a member of the Warriner Multi Academy Trust, a charitable limited company registered in England and Wales, in September 2018.
Learn more about the Academy:
The Warriner MAT came into being on 1st August 2015 and continues to grow within Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire and Warwickshire, providing excellent primary and secondary education in all our schools.We have a proven track record of working effectively with all of our schools. This has been formally recognised by the Regional Schools Commissioner who has invited us to showcase our successes at his regional conferences and the DfE who included our MAT in their best practice document published in December 2016. We all work diligently to ensure the very highest standards are achieved by all our students. This relentless focus upon best practice in teaching and learning means that all our schools achieve academic excellence.
All our schools that were eligible for Ofsted inspections in 2018 retained their Good status with the exception of one that moved for RI to Good, having been RI since 2006. The school improvement work of The MAT has been commended in all our inspections.
School Improvement is the top priority for the MAT. Teachers in all our schools (primary and secondary) visit and learn from each other to improve the quality of teaching for all pupils, which is particularly important in small schools where there is only one teacher of each year group. Our staff are now able to jointly plan lessons, thus reducing their workload and greatly increase their creativity. Teachers come together to ensure we are all marking and assessing in the same way and to the same standard. This not only ensures that pupils from different schools are marked fairly and assessed accurately; it also ensures that there is a smooth transition to the secondary school system.
The registered address is The Warriner School, Bloxham, Oxon. OX15 4LJ. Company number 9696059
Further details and information about the Trust, can be found on their website - Warriner Multi Academy Trust
All statutory documentation can be found here: www.warrinermultiacademytrust.co.uk/page/?title=Statutory+Information&pid=26
Learn more about the Academy:
The Warriner MAT came into being on 1st August 2015 and continues to grow within Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire and Warwickshire, providing excellent primary and secondary education in all our schools.We have a proven track record of working effectively with all of our schools. This has been formally recognised by the Regional Schools Commissioner who has invited us to showcase our successes at his regional conferences and the DfE who included our MAT in their best practice document published in December 2016. We all work diligently to ensure the very highest standards are achieved by all our students. This relentless focus upon best practice in teaching and learning means that all our schools achieve academic excellence.
All our schools that were eligible for Ofsted inspections in 2018 retained their Good status with the exception of one that moved for RI to Good, having been RI since 2006. The school improvement work of The MAT has been commended in all our inspections.
School Improvement is the top priority for the MAT. Teachers in all our schools (primary and secondary) visit and learn from each other to improve the quality of teaching for all pupils, which is particularly important in small schools where there is only one teacher of each year group. Our staff are now able to jointly plan lessons, thus reducing their workload and greatly increase their creativity. Teachers come together to ensure we are all marking and assessing in the same way and to the same standard. This not only ensures that pupils from different schools are marked fairly and assessed accurately; it also ensures that there is a smooth transition to the secondary school system.
The registered address is The Warriner School, Bloxham, Oxon. OX15 4LJ. Company number 9696059
Further details and information about the Trust, can be found on their website - Warriner Multi Academy Trust
All statutory documentation can be found here: www.warrinermultiacademytrust.co.uk/page/?title=Statutory+Information&pid=26